How is Feline Calicivirus(FCV) infection treated?

Primary therapy

1. Take antibiotics. Sometimes feline calicivirus(FCV) infection in cats coexists with some secondary infections, which can be life-threatening if left untreated. At this time, different antibiotics can be selected according to the severity of the cat’s condition. Oral antibiotics can effectively treat secondary infections of the mouth, nose, and lungs.

2. Hydration treatment. If the cat becomes dehydrated, it needs to be recovered by intravenous injection or subcutaneous injection, and electrolytes will be replenished.

Complementary therapy

1. Prescribe the right medicine according to the symptoms of different parts. When cats have conjunctivitis, they should be treated with ophthalmic antibiotics; take painkillers for cats with oral ulcers, etc.

2. If the cat stops eating because of oral ulcers, the owner should provide mashed food with a strong smell and easy to swallow to help the cat supplement enough nutrition and improve immunity.

3. If the cat has severe nasal congestion, you can put the cat in a warm and humid bathroom to relieve nasal congestion, twice a day for 10-15 minutes each time.

4. The owner should always use warm water or warm salt water to help the cat to clean up the eyes and nasal secretions. Dry paper towels should not be used to avoid secondary damage to the cat’s skin.