What are the differences between cats and dogs’ blood types?

Cats and dogs have distinct blood type systems, which are crucial for safe blood transfusions.

Dogs have a complex blood type system known as Dog Erythrocyte Antigen (DEA). There are at least eight major blood types, including DEA 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, and so on¹. The most significant is DEA 1.1, which can be either positive or negative. Dogs that are DEA 1.1 negative can only receive blood from other DEA 1.1 negative dogs, while DEA 1.1 positive dogs can receive blood from either type¹. This system is somewhat similar to the human Rh factor.

Cats, on the other hand, have a simpler blood type system with three main groups: A, B, and AB². Type A is the most common, especially in domestic cats, while type B is more prevalent in certain breeds like the British Shorthair². Type AB is rare. Unlike dogs, cats naturally have antibodies against the blood types they do not possess, which means that even a first-time mismatched transfusion can cause severe reactions².

In summary, while dogs have a more complex and varied blood type system, cats have a simpler but more immediately reactive system. Proper matching is essential in both species to prevent life-threatening transfusion reactions.

This is our cat and dog blood typing rapid test card,



¹: The Veterinary Expert
²: Our Blood Institute

(1) Dog and Cat Blood TypesThe Veterinary Expert| Pet Health. https://www.theveterinaryexpert.com/blood-transfusions/dog-and-cat-blood-types/.
(2) Do Animals Have Different Blood Types? | Our Blood Institute. https://obi.org/blood-matters/animal-blood-types/.
(3) Blood Groups & Blood Incompatibility | International Cat Care. https://icatcare.org/advice/blood-groups-and-blood-incompatibility/.
(4) Feline blood groups – The Governing Council of the Cat Fancy. https://www.gccfcats.org/breeding-cats/new-to-breeding/testing/feline-blood-groups/.

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