How many types of dog blood types are there?

Dogs have six recognized blood types, which are classified based on the presence or absence of specific antigens on their red blood cells. These blood types play a crucial role in veterinary medicine, especially during blood transfusions and surgeries.

  1. DEA 1.1 Positive (DEA 1.1+):
  • This is the most common blood type among dogs.
  • Dogs with DEA 1.1+ blood can receive transfusions from other DEA 1.1+ dogs.
  1. DEA 1.1 Negative (DEA 1.1-):
  • Less common than DEA 1.1+.
  • DEA 1.1- dogs can only receive blood from other DEA 1.1- dogs.
  1. DEA 1.2 Positive (DEA 1.2+):
  • Found in some dogs, but less frequently.
  • Transfusions between DEA 1.2+ dogs are generally safe.
  1. DEA 1.2 Negative (DEA 1.2-):
  • Less common than DEA 1.2+.
  • DEA 1.2- dogs can receive blood from other DEA 1.2- dogs.
  1. DEA 3 Positive (DEA 3+):
  • Rarely associated with transfusion reactions.
  • Dogs with DEA 3+ blood can receive blood from any DEA 3 type.
  1. DEA 4 Positive (DEA 4+):
  • Not as critical for transfusions.
  • DEA 4+ dogs can receive blood from any DEA 4 type.

Remember that proper blood typing and cross-matching are essential to ensure safe transfusions. Veterinarians carefully match donor and recipient blood types to prevent adverse reactions. If you’re considering donating your dog’s blood, consult your vet to determine their blood type and eligibility for donation. 🐾🩸

Here is our canine blood rapid test strips,

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