Do dogs have the same blood type as humans?

Identifying a dog’s blood type is crucial for safe blood transfusions, as incompatible blood can cause severe reactions or even death. It also helps in emergency treatments and surgeries, ensuring the right blood products are used.

What is feline panleukopenia?

Feline panleukopenia, also known as feline distemper, is a highly contagious and often fatal viral disease in cats caused by the feline panleukopenia virus (FPV), a type of parvovirus¹². This …

How can pet owners help dogs prevent canine distemper?

Canine distemper is a highly contagious disease caused by canine distemper virus (CDV). It is highly contagious and has a mortality rate of more than 80%. It is characterized by biphasic fever, acute catarrhal respiratory tract inflammation, gastroenteritis and encephalitis.