What is the difference between cats and dogs infected with rabies virus?

Rabies affects both cats and dogs, but there are some differences in how the disease manifests in each species.

In cats, rabies symptoms typically appear sooner, within 3 to 8 weeks after exposure². Cats often exhibit “furious rabies,” characterized by aggression, restlessness, and erratic behavior⁴. They may become hypersensitive to stimuli, show signs of disorientation, and have seizures⁵. As the disease progresses, cats may drool excessively and experience paralysis, leading to coma and death⁵.

In dogs, the incubation period can be longer, ranging from 2 weeks to several months¹. Dogs may display either “furious” or “dumb” rabies. Furious rabies in dogs is similar to that in cats, with aggression and hyperactivity¹. Dumb rabies, however, is more common in dogs and is marked by lethargy, weakness, and paralysis¹. Dogs with dumb rabies may appear unusually docile and may not exhibit the aggressive behavior seen in cats¹.

Both cats and dogs can transmit rabies to humans through bites or saliva contact with open wounds². Vaccination is crucial for preventing rabies in pets and reducing the risk of transmission to humans⁶.

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(1) Rabies in Cats – WebMD. https://www.webmd.com/pets/cats/rabies-cats.
(2) Rabies in cats – PDSA. https://www.pdsa.org.uk/pet-help-and-advice/pet-health-hub/conditions/rabies-in-cats.
(3) Rabies Symptoms in Cats (Don’t Ignore These Signs). https://www.lovetoknowpets.com/cats/symptoms-of-cat-rabies.
(4) Rabies and Rabies-Related Lyssaviruses – CFSPH. https://www.cfsph.iastate.edu/Factsheets/pdfs/rabies.pdf.
(5) Rabies in Cats: Causes, Symptoms, & Treatment | BetterVet. https://bettervet.com/resources/pet-diseases/rabies-in-cats.
(6) Rabies in Cats: 9 Signs to Look For and Next Steps to Take. https://a-z-animals.com/blog/rabies-in-cats-signs-to-look-for-and-next-steps-to-take/.
(7) Rabies in Cats – Rabies in Cats – Merck Veterinary Manual. https://www.merckvetmanual.com/cat-owners/brain-spinal-cord-and-nerve-disorders-of-cats/rabies-in-cats.

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