What are the clinical signs of Canine Distemper in dogs?

The incubation period for canine distemper is generally 3-6 days.

Early symptoms of canine distemper include a dog’s elevated body temperature, depression, anorexia, watery discharge from the eyes and nose, along with sneezing and diarrhea. Immediately, the body temperature returned to normal, and after 2-3 days, the body temperature rose again, showing biphasic fever. The discharge from the eyes and nose of the dog changes from transparent to mucus, with a foul smell, forming purulent conjunctivitis and corneal ulcers. In addition, dogs may develop secondary gastrointestinal diseases, causing vomiting, diarrhea, etc. The dog’s nose and eyelids are dry at this time, red papules may appear on the abdomen and extremities, and keratosis of the epithelium may develop, forming dry and hardened dog pads.

In the later stages of canine distemper, typical neurological symptoms such as seizures, foaming at the mouth, ataxia, and convulsions occur, and in severe cases, the hindquarters may be paralyzed. Puppies infected with canine distemper virus (CDV) may develop myocarditis and blindness. Pregnant female dogs infected with canine distemper virus (CDV) may be at risk of miscarriage, stillbirth, and reduced fetal survival. Police and military dogs may develop anosmia due to atrophy of olfactory cells after infection.

Typical symptoms of canine distemper: bipolar fever; suppurative conjunctivitis, thick and purulent nasal discharge; neurological symptoms; thickening and hardening of the footpads.